App of Death

Date: 5/15/2019

By do-_-nut

I was browsing the internet when I found a weird ad for a game. I didn't think much of it, and it didn't look that interesting anyway. I went to a dinner party later on. One family said they had to run to the grocery store but they would be back. They never came back. One of them left their phone so I opened it and found that the app I saw an ad for was on the phone. Other incidents happened and all of the families that disappeared had one person that had the app. I told my dad about my suspicions and he didn't think I was crazy and helped me with my research. After a while of researching the app without actually downloading it, I started feeling very uncomfortable because it seemed that the app's information was replaced with mine. A little while later the app showed up on my phone and there was no way to uninstall it. I decided to open it up. All I could see was weird faces. Possibly the faces of the families that had died. I felt more and more uncomfortable because I could feel a presence. But before anything could happen I woke up.