Date: 12/22/2018
By monjanse
en utviklingshemna feit lyshåret dame med briller spydde i søppelbøtta i stua. så kom hun å satte seg i spisestua ved kjøkkendøra der jeg satt, og en annen hemma dame sa til meg at "hun e visst dårlig hun". så måtte hun spy i en plastikkpose nært meg i en stol vesdiden av meg. jeg rømpte ut gangen fra spya, men hun følgte etter meg.
AI generated interpretation Dream analysis is typically based on the symbolic and metaphorical nature of dreams rather than the literal events. The dream you described appears to be filled with unusual and somewhat disturbing imagery. Here is a potential analysis of your dream: The presence of "tante Torild" in your dream may symbolize a maternal figure or a sense of familiarity and comfort. The act of "hemma oppkaster" (vomiting) could represent a desire to purge or get rid of something negative in your life. This could be related to emotions, thoughts, or behaviors that you find distressing or burdensome. The appearance of an "utviklingshemna feit lyshåret dame med briller" (developmentally disabled, overweight, light-haired lady with glasses) who is vomiting in the living room may symbolize feelings of vulnerability or being overwhelmed by challenges in your waking life. The fact that she sits near you and someone remarks that she is unwell could reflect a sense of concern or empathy for those who may be struggling in your environment. The scene where the woman must vomit into a plastic bag near you and then follows you as you try to escape suggests a feeling of being pursued or unable to escape from a difficult situation or negative emotions. This could symbolize unresolved issues or conflicts that are affecting you on a subconscious level. Overall, this dream may be reflecting feelings of discomfort, distress, or a need to confront and address challenging emotions or situations in your waking life. It could also signify a need for understanding and acceptance of vulnerability and imperfection, both in yourself and in others.