Date: 9/27/2019
By rachelwunderful
i was in some sort of house and a hurricane was about to hit us so people were running in terror, they were leaving their kids. i saw one boy on the floor that couldn’t have been more than 1 and i grabbed him up so he didn’t drown in the foot of water on the ground. then i rushed over to hide my keys and an envelope with some sort of card in it, in the freezer/fridge. that was successful. so i took myself and the boy up stairs to his pantry type of closet. we hid there for a moment. then got more word on the hurricane. the upstairs had this like water slide looking part to it that this man was just hanging on to. i told him to be safe and not to stay there. he said it was “good for him” “this needs to happen, i won’t die” so i wished him luck, found another small child, took them with me to the pantry. then the flooding happened. there was water and pressure everywhere. but the 2 children i had were fine, they didn’t even have a drop on them. they cried when i had to give them back to their parents that had so quickly threw them on the floor like trash. it was like taking a little piece of me with them. then it stopped, so quickly. and people rushed everywhere to find their belongings and children. people i saw that threw their children down were demanding for them back from people that had saved him. people were acting like scavengers, i woke up shortly after that.