Driving, minecraft, icebox

Date: 1/29/2020

By xCaligo

I was driving a stick shift around my grandmas small town and I was actually starting to get the hang of it. I guess its one of those anxieties I have. I’m a fairly new driver so my sense of the road is kind of iffy and its even worse when I have a clutch to worry about. My left arm for some reason didn’t want to do anything so I was just sticking it down the crack betweenmy seat and ge door behind me. It made navigating(operating both the gear shift and stearing with my right hand)a little harder but it refused to cooperate. There was a telephone pole in the median of the road that I was about to hit I knew that I had to swerve one way or another otherwise I would hit it but why commands to move the steering wheel weren’t working so I just slowed down as quickly as I could and bumped into it really softly. I knew my dad would want me to just be done and take over driving. I was a little ashamed. I then transported my self or teleported to this minecraft tree thing and started trying to get resources. With a small hut burried in the woods beside me. My scene shifted again and I was scrapping the inside of this cuboid box with this pentagonal spatula. The slivers that were slightly gelatinous (think oddly satisfying videos) I would put in the spatula and eat them. All the while my mom was talking about irish and I would try and tell her a word for something even though my knowledge is pretty limited.