Allergic reaction

Date: 7/19/2018

By alicia_retro

So I was in the living room with my family and we’re all watching tv together. (in the dream) (and now thinking back I remember earlier yesterday there were tarantulas on celebrity fest factor so that’s probably why they were in my dream) Then out of nowhere this big ass tarantula is just in the living room with us and nobody else is scared meanwhile I’m freaking out because I’m super scared of spiders period. So I’m running away from the spider and it chases me into a corner of my house and starts biting me. It doesn’t hurt but of course it was a dream I just felt little pricks. And I’m not sure if tarantulas are poisonous or not but this one was because immediately after it bit me I felt my throat closing and I was getting real dizzy. This I actually felt clear as day which made me really scared. I stumbled back to the living room and tried to get my cousins attention. If I focused hard I could get my throat to open up enough to get a couple words out so I go to her and say “help help” and I’m thinking *youd think the sound of me trying to GASP for air would get their attention* but my cousin and the rest of the family didn’t even blink an eye. Next I went to my aunt and tried to get her attention with the sound of me literally dying in front of them. And remember I can vividly feel my throat closing and me about to pass out but I do my best to stay awake (well in the dream) so I didn’t die and then my aunt FINALLY gives a fuck and nonchalantly says “put your finger in your ear” so I do it and I slowly start to feel my throat open up and when it completely opened was the moment I woke up from the dream. When I woke up I was lying on my back and my left hand was raised just above my chest.