Date: 5/22/2019
By Galipsy
I met Bruce Wayne, who was an incredibly tall Japanese man with silver hair. I was traveling with an old friend and she and I were dating different Superheroes, but they looked different as well. Bruce kept showing up everywhere I was, and I knew that my boyfriend was trying to purpose to me. He refused to do so with Bruce around because he claimed that he “liked” me. This was true, I knew in my dream this was the case, but I was pissed because my boyfriend wouldn’t just purpose so that I could prove I loved him and not Bruce. I ended up walking out of a restaurant and back to an RV we were traveling in. Bruce found me there crying, and said something like “maybe he doesn’t want to prove his love like you do because he doesn’t feel the same way.” I told him to leave, but he refused, and instead he sat next to me with his hand on my knee while I cried. I went to lean against him, and I woke up.