My brother and I in confiscation.

Date: 4/10/2020

By josiah22

My brother (Isaiah) and I were in a lab or hospital type building, and we both got these shots from these needles from a machine and I watched as I was sitting in a hospital bed, but I wasn't sick. The machine had an arm and it turned the injector then inserted it into the arm. Then my brother and I fallowed a doctor down a hall then down stairs and I thought to myself this isn't good or something like that, but I wasn't worried because I knew God has everything under control. I acted like I was under the drugs power and fell on the ladies shoulders as she kept going. We came into this room and I sat down. A few moments later my brother arrived and he sat down too. The doctor had something in that medium sized room for us to take. I asked her "what is it?" She replied "Oh it's just a test for people who take the shot so we can see if it works or not". And my brother took the pill or whatever it was. I felt calm, and not fearful now and the lady left to go do something. My brother had to toss a circular peace of plastic to get on a point. Almost like a frisbee. A few tries and he got it. I got up and walked towards him up this small ramp. He said to me "I can see people moving around and one sitting in one of the chairs." And I said "That's demonic cause there is no one sitting in the chairs or walking around" then the lady came back and my brother sat down. I saw a man come in the room from the other door as the lady did, and another lady came through and walked into another door. As she did I could here a machine type of noise as she walked. The man and woman both had black leather on and I realized they are making people into machines. The end.