a very scandalous school

Date: 8/5/2018

By space_tubbs

all I remember is that I was going to a private school and I had a boyfriend (taehyung) but I guess I didn’t really like him that much so I kinda avoided him. But i was still forced to be around him and act like a picture perfect girlfriend along with his rich ass family. I also had a fuck buddy (namjoon) that I would run around with whenever I didn’t want to be with Tae. We once almost got caught by hobi while we were in a bathroom, we escaped to his apartment that was near the school and we decided to stop. I eventually met Jimin and we really liked each other a lot, except I couldn’t be with him cause I still had a boyfriend and he knew how much I hated him. So we would go out in secret and we would have a lot of those nights where we would just lay on my bed and cuddle while watching a movie. for some reason my mind makes up these scandalous scenarios and it scares me, idk this didn’t make sense