Burglars Breaking into my Creepy Mansion

Date: 8/14/2020

By randybobandy

I lived in a huge beautiful mansion alone. I was in one of my rooms when I noticed a mirror on the side of a dresser that I never paid attention to before. I pulled it a bit and it caused it to open a door and reveal a secret compartment. There immediately was a flash like something took my photo. I rummaged through all the stuff and it was all like priceless goods. Gems, those fancy eggs, a clear egg filled with gold dust, photos and documents, etc. The egg filled with gold was sealed so that if it was opened the seal would break. As soon as I picked it up something on it pricked my finger. I worried it could be poison or something. Some of the stuff really creeped me out, like there was a mug and inside were dusty teeth that appeared to contain fangs, and it looked real and very... not clean, not neat... like it was stolen out of someone’s mouth. Like it was meant to be proof of the existence of vampires. That’s when I realized people were trying to break into my house at every opening at the same time. I went downstairs to see that there was a net that went all around the opening in the building, it came down from the ceiling and then acted as walls, and went right into the ground. I got closer and examined the netting. I felt terrified because it was completely pitch black out there even though where I was standing I could see, just couldn’t see anything beyond the net. I could see the netting actually had huge rips in it. There were also creatures everywhere, hanging off of the net, medium sized animals almost like monkeys, and I could see that they could clearly get in if they wanted to. They were all still and watching me. I was so terrified. I went back towards the house and tried to close and lock all the doors leading up to that area. I could hear the creatures aggressively banging into the doors, I knew that as soon as I had gone in they all broke through the netting. I then heard a commotion upstairs. A young couple had come in through my front door. I immediately started pulling these partitions down from the ceiling, they were like thin garage doors except all glass and see through. I pulled down about 5 of them but they were just lifting them up back into the ceiling. I noticed all I had left was a curtain type wall that could be zipped up at the center. I started pulling that in and realized I didn’t have time to secure the one side into the other in order to start pulling the zipper up.