Magickal one an prophetic one

Date: 4/16/2019

By edgar7725

I saw a vision of a dragon that looked mixed with Norwegian and Swedish short snout and had black your skin with a tint of red Wings ofa thestral but not very purebred he was talkin toa elven teen qged boy the wat least 14 or so stones that rither represented thdn colors of the rainbow or was mixed matched with two colors at oonce lik 4 instance purple an orange stone that were mixed together stood out vividly to mixed the. Vibrate oreen that played niCely with purple that was so deep but rich in colour The elven boy had silver hair which means he was of age plus he wore a silk emerld green cap /cloak his eye were blue with gold flecks an with bits of black mixed intk the gold flecks but anyway they were conversaten this is wat the said but before i get into it i saw them fall from the sky lik i was thr but not yet i saw a them fall but not really all i remember was after lookin a the sky thr seem to be somethin fallin an my eye they seem to zoom in a idk wat hsppened exactly the dragon said i was afriad this might happen elven boy said wat do u mean dragon said well the stones r bein drawn to the magickal 1 not the prophectic one i was afriad the prophectic one would be corrupted the magickal one it seems he musr be the one to stop the war that has begun an the other day i saw a boy wraped in blankets in a abalone shell i also saw a plant that look lik this all i know is that he was tucked away in thr to be honest i belirve i was that boy named albion