Date: 12/3/2020
By ladydmj
Recently I’ve had many experiences of being semi-lucid. So I’m aware that I’m in a dream, but somehow not fully conscious enough to take full control. I was in bed next to S & felt like I was awake. I was looking around the room & there was a TV. The screen came on & I was trying to wake S and ask “is that tv really on”?? He was drowsy & said “no, what are you talking about”. So then I was confused & noticed another tv in the corner.. It came on as well, so I thought I must be dreaming. I got up & walked in to the hall way. There were more tv screens & everything was grey & eerie. As I went to the bathroom there was a big hole in the floor & I tried to look for my flatmate to ask her about it & then thought, ok this must be a dream, this hole wasn’t here before.. but it didn’t dawn on me that we don’t have any tv’s or that this house wasn’t like ours.. very strange. I went back to bed & was trying to stare at the screens & see if there was a message for me. I often seem to be trying to find a message in my dreams & remember what I’m seeing/reading.. I eventually woke myself up for real.