Swimming to an Island

Date: 10/10/2020

By Musicianang

I was on a raft in stagnant blue green water and had to get to a raised surface of land, which made up a small island. My dad and I were on the raft and it wasn’t able to move any further, so the only way to the island was to swim to it. It was a close swim but we had to do it. My dad swam first. I was hesitant because I’m not the best of swimmers. I began by touching the water to see how warm it was. It was very warm and clean. It was a pretty blue green color and very calm. So I positioned myself, jumped into the water, and swam to the island. The water was deep so I slowly did the doggie paddle and floated until I reached the island. When I was finally got there, I grabbed the ground with my hands and pushed myself up to the surface. The swim wasn’t as bad as I thought. Then all of a sudden, I was on a beach. There was another small island about a mile from the shoreline that people were swimming to. My mom and I were at the beach together this time and we both had to get to the island. I was watching the waves and they were very calm. This time, the ocean was dark blue and the sand was dark golden. My mom and I decide to swim to the island together. My mom steps in the water first and starts swimming further away from me. I catch up to her and tell her to wait a second. This time as we were swimming, the water was very shallow. I was able to touch the ground every so often as I approached the island. It was a further swim this time, but I was able to take breaks by stepping down with my feet to the ocean floor. Finally, we both stepped foot onto the island. I was surprised my mom was able to swim there because she cannot swim well in real life. There were a whole bunch of people on the island partying and having a good time and we joined them.