Date: 5/21/2020
By ladydmj
This was the weirdest dream!! It was something about 5 people who were somehow different to the rest of humanity & one of them was trying to get hold of blood samples for the others, so he could do something with that blood, which would turn them in to kind of vampires - nasty zombie like creatures. He enlisted an innocent looking little girl to steal the blood behind my back & I was trying to explain to her that she was putting humanity, including herself in danger, but she just couldn’t see it.. the vampire guy was handsome & charming & manipulative. Whatever happened, I had to keep these people out of the facility we were in, because they could not get hold of the blood. The girl came in to the room with two bags of blood & I snatched them & poured them away. We nearly got everyone out to secure the facility, when someone hit the emergency lockdown button & we all had to go in to one room, then the outside doors all started to open & there were ordinary people outside. They started to swarm in & were angry. We tried to lock the door from the inside before they could get in to the room! I was flying over a barren looking country.. there were old buildings with signs for modern food like brands & as we were looking out of the window S was saying look, they were an ordinary country not so long ago, now they have nothing.. it was like looking he at the remnants of modern society.. & we were like tourists. When we landed & went to one of the kiosks, we had a choice of bbq meats to buy, which I was surprised about.