No title just fragments of my dreams

Date: 6/3/2019

By Dreamcat

So all I remember is that the first dream had to do with a bunch of water basically a tsunami and me and a friend in my dream tried to pack up and get away from it because there was this glass wall and we were scared the glass was gonna break and each time the water hit it it was no breaking so it were were like full of anxiety kinda and then the next thing I remember is finding a bunch of bones in like a grave site but more of an ancient feel and it was surrounded by water so that was weird some people were there too and I distinctly remember that after that fragment my dad tried to pop a pimple on my face and it was actually uncomfortable and I can like feel it next it changed to another dream where I was running and hiding from people and I had some dogs as an ally for some reason and then me and a friend or two saw a theme park and went over to it with the dogs and we start climbing all over it and exploring it and I remember that I was trying to crawl through a tube and I was too big for it and so I almost got stuck after I backed out of it we found a thing with tickets you know like the ones you win playing games and at this time the dream kinda cuts off idk lol