Suddenly Dealing with 5ft of Snow at my Job

Date: 3/31/2018

By fluffytree

I dreamed I fell asleep at my job and woke up to find it had snowed about 5ft in the couple hour nap that I'd had. I have to hurry and try and shovel a pathway to the building entrance at least. Lucky its the weekend and no one shows up until 9am. It's 6 so I have plenty of time. I notice my new car is sitting on its side and occasionally spinning its tires while lightly revving the engine. Wth happened?! Someone must be trying to steal it, but when I look inside I don't see anyone. The computer might be acting up then, but how in the world did it start and shift into gear all by itself? So weird. I'm sure I can get it home okay if I just gently get it to lay flat on all 4 tires, but later on that. In the meantime I try and shovel what I can. I do find that several people had already arrived to help clear it. Usually a work crew comes and does this job, but not on the weekends. This didn't look like them either and actually it wasn't, but a volunteer youth group that goes around helping people and businesses in need, apparently for free too. Bruce the maintenance guy shows up too I guess to help shovel or maybe it was something else. Good thing I was awake and outside otherwise he probably would've gotten mad for me not doing his job when he's not here, lol. The building is attached to a dock and one of the great lakes is behinds it, something that is wildly different from reality and so now I have to go shovel the dock too. Its actually not so bad though because more people show up and we treat the whole thing like a contest to see who can finish a section in record time. Within an hour we were completely done and not a trace of snow was left. The wood was wet but it looked brand new even. I had to go though because I felt like I needed to get to work even though I was already there and so I said goodbye to the guy who ran the whole group and shortly thereafter I woke up from an actual nap I'd been taking at work. Inception much?