Daughter of a God [8/11/19]

Date: 8/11/2019

By BlueMoon

This dream was almost like a movie. It was vivid, colorful and I felt so many real emotions as it played out. I think, at points, I was lucid, but I didn’t really do anything about it. At the very start of the dream, I think I was staring at a screen. A projector, really. It had a picture of a green background and white words saying, “WE ARE UNITED.” . . . I was the daughter of a god in Greek mythology, the god of land and stone. He wasn’t Gaea, Mother Earth, but instead less powerful and obviously male. In the dream his name never came up. Poseidon, god of the sea, and my “father” were not in good relations. But I loved my father very much, and Poseidon was kind to me anyways. Many of the gods and their families were staying on a large island during the summer. It was very beautiful, with lush plant life and crystal blue waters. I mean, I’m not surprised. It was a home to the gods, after all. <Note: I feel like there was so much in this dream that I just can’t remember. It’s quite frustrating, but there’s nothing I can do about it.> On the island, everyone seemed to be doing well and happy. However, in the shadow, two girls were planning something. They had worked out a powerful spell of sorts, one that would send the sea against the land, destroying and submerging it, ranging so far that even Poseidon could not stop it all. When they casted the spell, great waves of the once peaceful ocean crashed up over the shore, sending salt water leaping into the air. It was relentless, and just my luck, I happened to be with a group of people right on the shore. I guess, though, I got genuinely lucky, because we also had Poseidon right there with us. The island was beginning to be submerged instantly. Even Poseidon was surprised and weak against the constant waves. As our strip of the beach was submerged and we were left scrambling onto rocks to try and get back inland, I remember feeling legitimately out of breath. At this point I was semi-lucid because I briefly touched the water and remarked on how real it felt. Then I looked around and noted that the dream was super realistic. But, I guess I ignored it because just as quickly, we were back on the main island. Everyone was running, screaming, as the water continued its climb. Eventually I believe we got to a safe house and Poseidon was able to calm the waves - at least on our island. Once everything was calming down in the safe house, I got the news. Apparently, my father was gone. He had been tossed against the rocks and then swept away in the mass of waves and tsunamis. They didn’t say he was dead, but they thought so. I could tell. <Guess Gods can die here.> Despite Poseidon not liking my father, he consoled me. In the dream, I was crying and heartbroken. But, even in that state I managed to piece together some of the mystery of what happened. I figured the spell, and I figured out how to find who casted it. And then, Poseidon was leading me through the safe house to a back room. He talked to me about some... job offer as sorts. It was dangerous, but he believed I could help be a detective of sorts for the gods. I said, “I can’t do it if I hurt people,” to which he replied by telling me about everyone I could help. At the very end of the dream, he showed me an image. It was on a green image, with the words printed in white. “WE ARE UNITED”. - - - <Sometimes, it happens that the feelings in your dreams are completely indescribable. You get an emotion or a vibe that you can still feel fervently but have no words for it. That happened here.>