Strange noise, infection

Date: 1/14/2021

By SeasideCyanide

Mood: Anxious/scared. Deep discomfort. Anxiousness and fearfulness got worse in second half of dream (infection) Borderline if not nightmare. Setting: At school, in class. 5th grade teacher Mrs. Ma**** Actual grade unknown. Second return to “class” it had layout of my house. Bathroom layout the same but details of things within were off. Kids leaving class to go to basement scared. Teacher/me/other students asking and wondering why. They say they hear a strange noise coming from somewhere. I move towards where stairs are and can then hear the noise myself. A constant hum kind of sound. Whole class then goes to basement to hide. We go down about 4 or so flights of stairs in the typical stairwell pattern. Basement is large area with many of those white plastic tables. But the tables are much bigger than usual, both longer and wider. Teacher, a few other kids, and I all leave basement and go back to classroom for some reason. I go to the bathroom and after a few seconds can hear talking. Something about an infection. I leave bathroom and there are men in military kind of uniforms. They wont let you leave without checking if you’re infected first. I go to them to see if I’m fine and can go back to basement. They let me pass. I and a small group head back to basement. We go down the stairs. Stairs keep bringing us back to same places. That seemed to be normal in this dream world and I said something about how we kept going to the wrong area or something so we were at the wrong stairs. Dream ends.