Roleplay; can’t take a hint

Date: 1/27/2021

By xCaligo

I was at this girls house who I was platonically friends with and she wanted to play this roleplaying game with some cards that she had. It might have been her birthday or something, but everyone else she had invited had left so it was just her and I (I think?). Anyway, each card had a random scenario that described who each of us were and like a starting line that one of us would say and then we could just ad lib from there. The problem was I didn’t really understand the rules so I probably wasn’t all that fun to play with. I didn’t realize that I could just say anything so the first couple rounds went by pretty quick because I just got stumped on how to come up with a decent response and it got awkward. I think it was the second round the last thing she said was, “I’m sure you could slip it in”. I’m pretty sure that was in response to having time for something but can’t remember. For the third she finally informed me that I could take the card in what ever direction I pleased, and that it didn’t matter if it was weird or wild. That helped a bit but I still kept freezing up. We went up to the top of her loft and sat on her bed. She had pretty high ceilings so I could have probably stood up here if I wanted, maybe a little hunched. On the fourth card of the five she asked me if I wanted to keep playing, or “do something else”. I just said “I’m down for pretty much anything”. She gave me a sly smile and said “cool, I’m down for pretty much anything too”. I waited to see if she would suggest anything different but she didn’t. “You know, that could totally be taken in a sexual context, ‘being down for anything’ ”. I looked at her a little puzzled. It was at this point that my anxiety struck. normally I was totally cool around her, I could just be myself but something had struck a nerve in my head. “I didn’t mean it in a sexual way”. Her face fell a bit. “Forget it” she mumbled. “Lets just keep playing this game.” The fourth card, I was supposed to be a horse so I went down the loft steps to the floor of her room and start crawling around on all fours pretending to eat grass. I could hear her laugh from up in her loft watching me make a fool of myself. I can’t remember what her character was. I ended up becoming a talking horse that was slightly angry. I ended up clomping my way up the steep stairs at some comment she and had made. My horse voice probably had some eddie murphy flavor to it. She had crawled over to the top of the stairs to look down and me. I made it to the top, just under her she made a comment that I wasn’t sure how ro reapond to. I looked around nervously and then turned to the side and but the air. She started laughing again which made me smile. “What was that”she said? “Oh, that was flower, I thought I’d chow down on” she shook her head and gave me a straight lipped pouty smile. “You really are something”. I grinned back at her, “thanks, I try”. The next card was titled “wart” and thats all I remember of the description. This is the last part of the dream, but it gets a little weird. I was down at the bottom of the stairs again, with her sitting on her bed. Somehow I had found another person (like her brother maybe? Idk, it just seems too weird). He was maybe a year or two younger than us and naked except for a massive amount of tin foil wrapping his thighs and arms to his chest (fetal position). His lower legs were still free so he could still sort of wobble about (but couldn’t use his arms to catch himself if he fell). For some reason I decided to push him up the steps, sort of rolling him sideways to the top. Keep in mind these steps are extremely steep, not that different from a slanted ladder. I managed to get him to the penultimate step and looked up at my friend. Thats about the end of my dream recollection, but I’m pretty sure she was mortified by what she saw.