
Date: 1/5/2020

By kaelasuzanne

So this was a very long and bizarre dream. What I remember was my ex and I were back together but it wasn’t this universe or world. My ex told me he could see the future (he was part Norse god?) and knew about a prophecy about the end of the world. Well a lot of stuff happened at one point I was laying on my back in the hallway of my house looking at some writing written on my ceiling when Loki appears (it was Loki from marvel which I don’t watch) and he’s very angry with me. Tells me I’m apart of the end of the world prophecy and that he’s a cousin of my ex. He starts chasing me, threatening to kill me. My ex jumps in and stops him, explaining he’s trying to stop the prophecy. Next thing I remember is it’s my birthday and my family and I are at a sushi restaurant. At the end of the meal the waiter brought out a pastry in the shape of a chibi eel. Apparently me receiving this was the first stage of the prophecy? Next thing I know my neighbor has lost their cat (they don’t own any) and my family and I are walking through the neighbor hood looking for this black cat.