
Date: 5/8/2018

By cati3martin

it was me, my mom, my dad, my grandma, and my grandpa. i don’t know where we were but it was by a lot of water. i think it was california. i don’t remember why, but we had to get to the space station to go into space. but on the day we were supposed to leave they said there was supposed to be a whirlpool, which means that the water will start going on land an spinning around really fast. in the dream, i had to ask my mom what a whirlpool was and when she told me i remember feeling the biggest rush of anxiety. we didn’t know if it was going to happen or not but there was sirens and stuff going off. they made everyone stay outside for some reason, and everyone was freaking out and going crazy. somehow we lost my dad and grandpa. which didn’t seem that much of a big deal at the time,( but now that i’m thinking about it, that was hella scary. ) there were this crazy people who started trying to steal all of the clean water by the docks. my mom took me and my brothers hand to get us somewhere safe, and our grandma was following us from behind. i overheard some man saying that if the water starts rising up to 5 feet then the whirlpool was going to happen. i kept watching the water, but i couldn’t really tell if it was rising or not. my mom told us to go under the docks to get away from the crazy people. we had to get from one dock to the other dock, but to do that we had to swim in the water to get there. the water was really gross. it was green and had algae all in it. (i can not stand algae it is so disgusting to me. i cannot touch it without wanting to gag, but we had to get to the other side. ) i closed my eyes and jumped in. i started swimming as fast as i could to try and get out of the water as soon as possible. i looked over while swimming and i saw my mom and brother jump in. but out of the corner of my eye i saw the crazy people grab my grandma by the arms and drag her off then everything went black apparently i passed out, in the water, but somehow i got to the other side. my brother was standing over me (mind you he’s only 12) and he said “Catie the water is rising” and the wave of anxiety washed over me again. i sat up to look at the water and it appeared to be spinning. my mom was standing at the edge of the dock. i asked her what we were gonna do. “we have to go” she told me. i got up and went over to hug her then i woke up.