the man of my dreams

Date: 5/14/2018

By naya

it's the middle of the night smh. my dreams are starting to get more strange yet more real. I'll say everything I remember. first dream. I'm in my kitchen washing my hands. there is a strange fountain for decor I'm guessing near the window. there's an outlet for plugs and the water is pouring over it. I stop washing my hands out of fear that I will get electrocuted and die. I call my dad vocally to come into the kitchen. he doesn't respond. the kitchen starts flooding with the fountain water so I call him again. I hear him sigh and he gets to the kitchen and I point out what has happened. he starts talking to me but he looks extremely different. his eyes are smaller, one of them is smaller than the other as well. his face is more round, he's paler. he looks different in every way possible. "pop what happened to your face? look in the mirror" I tell him. he tells me nothing is wrong. second dream. I'm at a gathering with friends from high school. they are all in a circle talking but it appears no one recognizes me. I think to myself that it's because I don't have much meat on my bone as I did in high school. I turn towards someone specific in the circle, Abigail. I put my hands on her shoulders and shake her. "you don't recognize me?!" I say to abigail in a joking manner. She gives me a long stare and her face starts changing into another girl I knew, sharla. She smiles and squeezes my waist. It felt as if it could have hurt in real life lol "of course I recognize you!" she says nicely. third dream. this is either a dream ive already had or my most extreme dejavu experience. in this dream I live with a close friend, Cassandra along with other roommates I don't know of. I'm unloading a grocery bag, putting items into the fridge or freezer. Cassandra comes home from grocery shopping as well and puts her things over and around mine. I become confused of what's mine and hers. "I don't remember buying this??" I would say and she'd say it's hers. "maybe you shouldn't put your items so close" I try to say jokingly but I fear it comes off rather tense. "or maybe we shouldn't go grocery shopping at the same time haha" I say trying to ease the situation. "isn't it weird how we always grocery shop at the same time?" I ask. Cassandra laughs and agrees. I'm still unloading my bag and Cassandra is no longer in the scene. another roommate walks by. he's skinny, pale, has a sleeve of tattoos and is wearing a hat. we don't say hi to each other but he ends up making a joke about my diet. I laugh it off and continue packing. it appears I have become friends with him. We are hanging out outside, taking a walk together. we walk by an abandoned building/ structure. It is a tall and round very open building, not much wall to it. it's stairs follow a spiral pathway. we look at each other giving the "are you thinking what I'm thinking" look. "are we doing this?" I ask him and he nods. we start running up the stairs, enjoying ourselves like children. and then we start doing some crazy parkour tricks that I could never do in real life. I jump up and down platforms and swing from railing to railing giving myself multiple bruises. Things get so weird for me from here. It's like I woke up, exactly where I'm positioned in bed but I wasn't awake, I just didn't know it. I'm on my phone and I receive a text from the guy on my Snapchat. I think I'm awake so I'm looking forward to asking him who he is to me in real life. I notice a purple light in the corner of my room. I start to doubt I'm awake (which I was right about) as the purple light transforms into these gooey bubbles that are getting bigger and closer to me. it looks pychedicalic, it's as if I took shrooms. I'm starting to get anxious - it can't be real I think to myself over and over again although it looked and felt so incredibly real. I want to wake up and I can't, I can't turn over either, I'm fixed in a position on my right side. I know it's not paralysis because I'm actually dreaming-not awake. I begin to pinch myself in my dream as well as in real life. I wake up from doing so. This was the strangest experience I have ever had my entire life. It's like my eyes were actually open and I was staring at that corner of the wall because when I woke up from pinching myself it's not like I opened my eyes and everything disappeared. it's like they were already open and all the purple bubbles gradually went away and my phone disappeared from my hands - as I was waking up. it's as if I could have slept walked if I wanted to. when I woke up the only difference from the dream and real life was that my phone wasn't in my hands and there was no purple nonsense going on.