Vacation in Washington

Date: 11/8/2017

By Amborghinimercy

I had a dream I was on vacation in Washington in a rural area. We walked up a steep hill that was mostly dirt with a little grass to a red house, it had a red barn and we knew the person that lived there. I had a large dog, I can't remember if I had more than one, but it was a German Sheppard. I was trying to find a mustang, I think I was in Washington trying to locate something. The persons house we were staying at lived near a large lake, we would go into the trees and use binoculars to scout the area for it. We never found it in the trees so we decided to canvas the town. We walked around and found a really cool house that looked like it was from San Francisco, the man who lived there was really nice and had an accent. We noticed everyone in the town was really nice, we thought it must be because we were close to Canada. I let the dog off of the leash and it ran off and found another dog. I was now near the woods, there was a sign on a tree with two vertical lines and a Native American symbol I did not understand and a weird fog coming from the woods. I woke up