Date: 10/10/2018

By beauty77

I haven’t had sleep paralysis in years but it happened this morning. My work called to let me know I didn’t have to come in today so I got to sleep in more. during my nap I laid on my back and dreamt that I was at my parents house in my old room. It was painted purple like when I was in middle school. I was there with my fiancée and our bed was set up how it is in our apartment now. I was trying to find a song from the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack but should’ve reality checked when I couldn’t type into my phone the song title because the letters on the screen shifted. At the time it didn’t trigger me to realize I was dreaming. We were getting intimate and I tried to find some toys to make in interesting. That part of the dream was way more boring than what happened next. I opened my eyes and could see the corner of my room in my apartment because that’s where my physical body was laying. In my half dream half awake state i thought i was still in the dream room at my parents place. I hallucinated a dark shadowy figure that resembled Slender Man (I was watching Marble Hornets horror stuff last night as well) in the corner of my room. the shadowy shape would phase in and out with the beat of my heart and would edge closer to me. I tried screaming in the dream and moving but I couldn’t. It was like in the back of my head I could hear myself screaming and I could see my dream hands move out in front of me to protect myself but my actual eyes saw my body stuck under the blanket not moving. The weirdest thing about it all was that when i finally woke myself up I wasn’t scared at all because I knew it was sleep paralysis the second i woke up and could move again. I got the same feeling i get when i wake up from a lucid dream, like it takes a while to fully get back into your body