Supernatural Abilities

Date: 1/7/2020

By ace200

I was at my high school book fair in the library with my friend CB and was pleased to see they had a really good display of books and films I love such as Matched, Wendy Darling, Throne of Glass, and more. While looking through the shelves of art, I suddenly felt like I was drowning. I had been looking at an anime display with Studio Ghibli references, particularly at the film “When Marnie was There.” In the movie, a character struggles against water currents to find Marnie, and suddenly I was that character. I was being tossed through the water, and began to cry because I had a feeling of desperation. I had to find Marnie, but I couldn’t do it. The water was too strong. It was then when I was swept out of the trance to find I was being carried bridal-style out of the library by a tall, muscular boy who seemed older than me. He was tan with dark hair. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but my face was wet from my tears and I was shaking. I remember another boy reading at a table watching us intently. At this point, I was waking up. When I really like a dream, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense, I fill in the plot holes myself to make a good story, especially because I’m most inspired when I’m still tired and halfway between awake and dreaming. So, the dream began shifting as I came up with stuff... My version was that the high school I attended (which was really big and pretty nice in the dream) not only educated normal students, but also those with supernatural abilities. Those students took private classes after school and kept their talents secret from the normal students. A secret government branch was in charge of placing students at schools to train their talents, but also keep them lowkey. The goal was to use the students for government affairs, war, or to benefit the country. These students, however, were not forced to join the government. In fact, many despised the idea. Instead, people of natural abilities would form groups or gangs to use their abilities for different purposes such as recreational fighting, or other hobbies fitting their talents to help people through becoming doctors to heal people or through entertainment. There were rumors of students with these supernatural talents, but for the most part no one believed it. But they are the students who become psychics, healers, magicians, etc. They are sworn to keep their abilities secret under the government, as the supernatural abilities are in high demand for the black market and such. Spies from other countries would try to find those students, or people who would want to conduct human trafficking. So, I’m at the high school book fair, but I’m a normal student without supernatural abilities, or so I think and I don’t know such things exist. However, a student with these abilities senses that I actually do have them and I don’t know it yet. In order to get me to join his gang, one of violence and causing mayhem for fun, he uses his power to change one’s senses to make me feel as if I was drowning in water. While this was happening, he took me to a private classroom under the school his gang used as I was unaware I was being moved at all, stuck in the sense that I was drowning in water. Once he snapped me out of it, he introduced me to his gang and said I had supernatural abilities. I was confused and didn’t know what they were, although he started telling me to start using them and fight someone. He was pretty aggressive and freaking me out. He told me that was the way things were and I had to join his group if I wanted to survive, but then the other boy from the library showed up (the one who was reading a book and watching the first boy carry me out of the library). He told me the aggressive guy was a liar. The aggressive guy manipulated me to get me to join him, when I had other options. The two boys kind of fought with their powers, and then we left. The nice boy, with powers of invisibility, told me I had tons of other options I should be aware of, such as government training, healing, freelancing my abilities, and more, but that I would be sworn under law to keep my abilities secret to protect myself. Otherwise, I’d be punished by not only the law, but probably by those who would want my abilities for themselves. He told me he would help me to develop my powers and introduce me to the private school system. He could also feel that I had powers once the other boy pointed it out, like an aura of energy coming from me. It turned out that I could make shields and force fields. The boy was worried for me because it’s a skill in high demand in the army, and I would be pushed to go in that direction. The boy told me that the government does not treat people with supernatural abilities well, more like they are possessions than human. He told me to be careful and then introduced me to his friends who trained their abilities for fun. The school system ended up not even treating the kids well, and this system is why so many of them decide to form gangs and fight for fun, or just run kind of wild with their powers out of rebellion.