Date: 12/27/2020
By keljefe
For whatever reason Eddie and i were hired to run a store up kingsbury grade. The store was a part of a complex of condos. There were 3 entrances the main was to the street level parking lot. The next one wad to the oddly painted condo commons. They were suspended above ground because the entire complex was built on a hillside valley. The back exit was ground level on top of the opposing hill and facing a meadow. Anyway this store front was very small. The shelves were practically empty and the coolers were too. The place was now a hangout spot than a store. The front end was a store and the back was a condo there wad an upstairs with bedrooms too. The place was busy and things were going smoothly until Brian showed up with a bunch of people. They made a mess and left without paying for anything. I followed Brian out and he said he was leaving too a party somewhere else. I went back in and saw omar and Armando stealing beer. I yelled at them. Took the beer and told them i though they were better than that. Some people stayed. As i cleaned i noticed that people were leaving to i closed up. A few people decided to stay the night so i finished with the store and got ready to rest dinner. Groin what i remember Eric Chris Richard and some girls were going to stay. The issue that Eric was pissing off the girl who was cooking dinner and it all went to shit. That night we saw some bear cubs in the back yard. In the morning there were two cubs one mama mountain lion cubs and a freaking jaguar. Stacy was there too for added stress. The people were acting stupid playing with the animals. The jaguar almost killed somebody. Once we were all inside, there were bears with horns. Not deer horns but like fantastical horns and they walked upright. I tried to make noise to scare them away but they had a secret entrance into the condo. Thats pretty much it. The condos were panted as if the painters took one fat brush stroke. It was thick and incomplete and green. It looked cool but trashy too because the exposed wood began to whiten.