Birthday Bash

Date: 10/24/2016

By sarahsleeps

It started out at my best friends house. It was us and a couple other girls I didn't pay much attention too getting ready. It was my best friends birthday and we were getting ready to go clubbing. The dream blurs from when we are at the house to driving in the car. We arrive at a parking lot downtown to leave the car there for the night. Heading to the first building that was unmarked we walked it. In was dark at first but slowly everything lit up. Soon enough we were all standing in the middle of a very fancy hotel. Still dressed as we were we exited through sliding doors. We were somewhere different. I didn't recognize this city. There weren't very much people around but I saw the strobing lights of a club a couple streets down. I suggested we check it out before heading to the place we originally planned. Everyone agreed As we got to the club doors I was greeted by other friends and family, dressed to go clubbing. They said we were late. I didn't realize we planned to meet up. The club was absolutely dark inside. It was an odd feeling having no sight the music was loud. The bouncer at the door said it was theme night that's why the lights were out. I didn't get the theme. Inside everyone just stared to do their own thing. We couldn't really see each other so it didn't matter. As I was dancing I felt some hands slip around my waist and start dancing with me. I would recognize those hands anywhere though. It was my ex who was apart of the group that met us at the door. I didn't know if he knew it was me or if he did how he knew. I didn't care though. I just danced. As we were leaving I dumped very literally into my oldest friend Emily. It was amazing because she doesn't live in the same state as me anymore. We were so excited to see each other. I told her she should join us for the night and she accepted. The next thing we did was going to get food. The street we were on was creepy. I couldn't put my finger onto why I felt like that. I just didn't feel safe. Emily said she needed to use the bathroom and started to leave and cross the street. I didn't like that. Her being alone. I told her to wait and I'll go with her. It was hard to cross the street. So many cars were speeding by but just a minute ago there was no one. We entered another hotel for her to use the bathroom. As we were walking it got darker. As I exited through the only door ahead of me I was alone back at the car. I didn't know where anyone was. I got into the car and drove home.