Sparks of sleep paralysis

Date: 11/25/2018

By Nuclear

I've had sleep paralysis happen to me a few times, but something strange started occurring lately.. I wake up in the middle of the night.. All blurry, on the brink of falling asleep again, I can move my body at first.. But then when I relax my muscles and attempt to fall asleep again.. I start feeling everything going numb (which is the normal behavior of the body while sleeping, all muscles lock) but problem is, I'm still conscious. I try to move and I can't anymore.. But I still fight it, trying to move as hard as I can... And then I manage to break out of it.. Move arms again, I relax and attempt to fall asleep again, but now I'm nervous about what if my body falls asleep faster than my mind.. And what if I'll start hallucinating again.. This repeats a few times.. Me trying to break out of the muscle lock state and then attempting to sleep again.. Until memory fades and morning comes.