Date: 10/26/2022
By Aler
I wake up in my old apartment, and start to get ready to teach. My father is there. I get dressed and start to make toast, but get very dizzy. He notices. Instead of driving me to work, he takes me around the neighbourhood. He’s clearly worried that I’m losing my memory and confusing dreams and reality. I explain that the need to go to work. He checks my forehead for a fever, but we do get on the bus. I worry that this may be a side effect of my new medication. I have been assigned to teach a political science class, even though I know nothing about the subject. I do remember preparing for lectures. My father thinks that these were just dreams, and I can’t tell the difference. I try to find evidence in my phone. I can’t open my to-do list, and when I try to search the university website, it keeps autocorrecting what I type to something else. A woman in a nearby seat on the bus offers to film me teaching so I have something to focus on. End of dream. I wake up. This is a very meta dream. I have had many dreams of teaching a class I am unprepared for. I am worried about being navel to tell the difference between dreams and reality, and losing my memory. I am taking new medication, and I have been dizzy. Ironically, a dream about being unable to differentiate between dream and reality is extremely close to reality.