Snowy crazy friend

Date: 3/14/2019

By emte

The setting was in a mountain town when a huge blizzard was happening. I was with a group of friends, and we were all snowed in. One of us was acting oddly aggressive. She got more and more argumentative and then physically violent. The rest of the group, me included, got more scared and paranoid. Eventually we all locked ourselves in a room and she was pounding on the door crazily in a frenzy, and I decided to lock myself in the bathroom. I heard the possessed friend scratching and digging through the wall and I realized I couldn't stay in the house. I jumped out the bathroom window and fell 2 stories into the deep snow next to the road. I saw the friend had become so possessed that she was looking almost like the xenomorph from the movie alien, or some sort of weird scorpion bear. She had killed all of the group of friends in the house, and they were possessed like zombies. She jumped out the house and pursued me. She was so large now she was the weight of 3 humans, and just entirely a demon now. The demon kept killing random people and sending their possessed bodies after me, including that group of friends. Somehow I could fend them all off. Occasionally even the demon itself would try to attack me but somehow I also had enough strength to swat it away as well. Eventually I was on this steep mountain road and the demon was 20 feet down. A man was walking by and the demon grabbed him and tried to kill/possess him. It was an involved process, and I don't know why I said it but I was like "dude that's pretty hot". The demon looked up at me with some shock and maybe judgement. I stared back and it was frozen with a deep sadness and fear. I got the creeping suspicion it was weak and I was strong, that it was depending on me not finding out. I saw all it's actions were steeped in desperation, and I felt a supreme unshakable confidence. Maybe it was just my position on the road, having the high ground(LMAO). I don't know why, but I said "you owe me your blood", and it just gave a resigned "ok" Flash forward a bit: I'm living in a big house in the mountains, my family comes and visits sometimes. They love being able to stay with me so they can ski, and I love having them over. The demon comes and visits sometimes too. Usually to just bring blood but also to just hang and socialize. Over time the demon looks now like my friend Will rather than an actual monster. He's still some sort of monster to humans, but he's also my friend. I still feel indomitable and unshakeable when interacting with him, but this just translates to a calmness that makes him nice to hang with.