Dreamt Link from Good Mythical Morning was blind

Date: 9/11/2019

By pinkstar16121

I've been watching a lot of GMM fan made clip. He was one of the two entertainment pieces from this event I was at, the other being Ariana Grande. She was going to be doing this choreography with this big group of dancers in this other room from where the audience was. I think she was singing too, but the performance was focused on dancing. They were wearing these light green prison outfits and where they were was kind of like a prison. Ari looked unkempt and wore no makeup. Don't know why I keep dreaming of her with no makeup. Maybe she's supposed to be a reflection of me in these dreams. This could be an accurate interpretation since she does wear my sweater later in the dream. I'm not a dancer though, but, for some reason, was also a dancer in this. They were rehearsing, but I was too busy being curious about what Link's performance was though because I'd walked in right after he was done, and now Ari and her dancers were getting ready to perform soon. I did finally go and join in on what was the last run-through of the choreography. It was almost like a line dance where everyone skipped down sideways. That's the only dance move I remember because it was the only one I felt slightly comfortable with, but I did get lost a couple times and struggled to keep up with everyone who kept passing me so I wasn't in the straight line but in the middle of two lines. By the time the actual performance was happening though, I just decided to watch. I stood close to the narrow opening where you could peek in and see the dancers. It was like a snack bar window, and I saw this guy up close. He kept interacting with me, and I felt cool. With my curiosity still present about what Link's performance could be though and wanting to know what his performance was, I just rewound like it was a YouTube video to the very beginning so I could see what his performance was. It was a comedian act, but it wasn't that good and no one laughed. He stood out in the actual audience section. I saw Ari in the audience. As I said earlier she wore my purple-pink sweater. She wore some makeup and looked pretty. For whatever reason she changed into that prison outfit and took her makeup off to do her performance with the dancers. During Link's performance I found out he was blind, which blew my mind, like all this time he kept that a secret. At one point, he was over in the dancer's room and up at the window. He took his glasses off and I saw the whites of his eyes, which confirmed to me he actually was blind, but then I saw his pupils and realized he'd just rolled them in the back of his head. I met a blind woman when I was a kid and I noticed her eyes would do that, but her pupils were also really cloudy; there was a film over them. Link's pupils looked normal like Molly Burke's, but I could tell he was blind now maybe because I knew. I felt bad for him, and I saw him differently now, for some reason. Not that I normally start looking at someone differently if I learn something about them I didn't know. I was trying not to be assuming though while I talked to him. For instance, pointing when I talked without using words. I was with my dad now who was asking him about the farm on which he evidently grew up. He asked him if there were still tomatoes, and Link said those were long gone. I remember asking him if there was a dairy farm, but he said no, that it was just an agricultural farm or I said "oh, it's just an agricultural farm then." I think the tomato part is honestly because I've been eating tomatoes the past couple days with my dinner.