Date: 11/21/2022
By EmeraldTheFoxCat
The dream started out with me being home alone and somebody knocking at the door. When I opened the door I saw a little girl and boy, (the were both pretty young, probably 4th and 5th grade, hispanic with black hair. The girl's was long and had it down and they were both a little chunky.. with the boy being a little more) then I saw an old white car behind them.. Which made me feel uneasy, like I was just starting to think something was wrong. The kids started to look at me strangely and their eyes turned black and started to pulsate faintly. I started panicking and trying to close the door on them. They both grabbed my arms with only one hand, which was super strong... I couldn't get them to let me go, and that's when a guy started to get out of the car. He looked like Dom's brother Robin, I kicked at them and screamed and they slowly just disappeared. At this point I locked the door and ran to my room where I texted dom telling him to call the police because the house was getting broken into. I unlocked and crouched under my window, trying to listen for him coming so I could try to leave the house. Once I heard him get closer, instead of opening it..I jumped through the window getting cut by little pieces of glass flying everywhere. I laid on the grass for a second and picked a little chunk of glass out of my thigh and called the police. (Robin died somehow?) Once they answered the lady told me that 60% of the police staffed are busy and that I wasn't top priority...When I told her that I was hurt and that we needed to get finger prints ASAP she told me that I should be grateful that I lived and that the police shouldn't help me. I was just shocked, so I went back inside and just sat on the living room floor waiting for dom or dad..or somebody to come home. Once dad got back he found me convulsive on the floor in a puddle of my blood. He was calling for an ambulance and all of a sudden reality started to fade out and I was in some kind of dream state. I was in a huge and confusing mall, with blood dripping down the escalators as I went down. I felt uneasy like I knew something was wrong and I felt like I was dying or already dead. People all around me seemed different too like they were probably dead. I saw Susan (the one with black hair) there surprisingly and saw someone hand her what looked like a little fortune from a fortune cookie, she looked at it sad and confused and said she wasn't ready. I asked her if she knew what was going on and she told me that we were dead. I snapped back into my bloody body on the floor and there were just people in the house, even a cop.. I started yelling for help asking why no one had tried to help me yet and told them that I'm dying and I needed the cop to rush me to the hospital before I lose too much blood. I felt tired and light headed trying not to fall asleep; somehow I ended up getting to the hospital and they were able to save my life.