Water Dragon, Sep 3

Date: 12/10/2016

By Milk

I had a dream that education had evolved to underwater dancing, and fighting in holographic simulators. In the fight sim I was so good and took it so serious no one wanted to practice with me in my rank. So I tried to go to the next rank, but it was too terrifying. When I was not in the sim I saw something in the distance. A giant war machine with spider legs, that looked like a train car or van or something. I realized that I was training for something real and I had to take it seriously. I was sent instead to practice water dancing with the dolphins so I could learn to polish my technique. I was excited to be away from the war and doing something creative. The dances were crazy beautiful, my room mate was the best in the school. An angelfish told me to try everything because I dont know how I look to other people. So I kept trying diffrrent styles of dance, but people kept laughing at me. I was fat and moved awkwardly, I had no sense of rhythem or what looked good. To graduate you have to perform a solo dance for everyone and I failed this twice. The whole school saw how hard I was trying and a lot of people felt inspired and sorry for me. They taught me dance classes to try and help me. Still others made fun of me, and a group of people even tried to kill me. They put me in a cage covered in gas and set it on fire, and even a friend of mine who was there was scared of them and didnt help. I escaped but another person in the cage died. I saw the corpses of other students they had bullied to death when I was escaping. When you go to the school you become a fish creature, that evolves into your dance technique. You can change in and out of this form at will. But I was not good at any technique, and I kept trying them all and failing and failing my classes so I became a snake. My mom pointed out I was very long, but I didnt realize how long I was until she gathered up my tail and I turned around and bit it. Some people said that this was an amazing oppertunity but others said it was a handicap. I kept being amazed and surprised how long my body was, and how the other students called me big or fat and I knew it was because I had a long body. I was sometimes scared of how long I was becoming. I tried to tell the teachers at the school about the men who tried to kill me but they laughed at me and called it a joke. They wouldnt take me serious because to them, I was stupid. While I was practicing I found black oil left over from the war machine. I wanted to find it and destroy it myself, and went looking for it by following the oil. But I got corrupted by the oil, and turned into a big monster like the kind I had to fight in the sim. I came back to the school for a third performance and instead of dancing I showed them the terrifying carnage I could inflict and they called me shinrayu or orboros and how I had become a chinese dragon. I told them there was a brutal war with hundreds of warlords above them, and when they found out the school was vulnerable they would all decend on them. I took control of the school and the aggresive students who had attacked me were in my army. I never made them fight, and faced my invadering warlords directly. I couldnt be killed because a direct blow to the heart was all that could kill me. But I was so long that no one could find my heart. Eventually I could fly, and was fighting areoplanes and giant machines in the sky. I stayed in one place and protected my friends instead of invading other territories. When I gave invaders a chance to leave I was a human, but after they laughed at me and tried to seduce me I would become the giant dragon.