Digital art, Generate an image of a young woman who has been reunited with her first Korean boyfriend after being in the company of a multitude of other Korean boyfriends.

A multitude of Korean boyfriends

Date: 9/29/2018

By MsBananaNanner

Can’t really remember what the plot was and I’m not sure there was one, but it was just a series of me finding different Korean boys and them all wanting to be my boyfriend and make out with me. 🤷‍♀️ I was pretty content to go along with it, even though some of them were kind of weird like this one named David. (They all had English names idk why) David was kind of all over the place and really hyper and even though none of them ever spoke English, he talked all the time not caring that I couldn’t understand him. He was also a very aggressive kisser with not much technique. I just went with it but then it got my thinking about how all my past Korean boyfriends had different kissing styles. Just before I’d been with David I’d been with his older brother Eli, who was very different and always knew exactly what he was doing when he kissed me. Very experienced. And then there was my very very first boyfriend from when I was 12, Lucas. His kisses were always the softest, the gentlest, the slowest. I started wondering why I’d had so many boyfriends—why I’d always gone to the next and the next, and why I never stayed with one. It wasn’t that any of them were ever bad, and it wasn’t like we broke up every time. I just...left. David was talking a mile a minute and like usual I wasn’t paying attention because I couldn’t understand a word of it. He stops as we’re walking around outside of town and spontaneously starts kissing me again. I’m still preoccupied with my thoughts but I shrug it off and go with it. After a minute I start feeling not so great. It’s like I’m just really really tired all of a sudden, and I can’t keep myself up anymore. David notices and starts laying me down on the ground. He doesn’t look surprised. I try to ask him something but find it extremely difficult to form words. My eyelids feel so heavy but I refuse to close them and fall asleep. David sprints away and something tells me it’s not to get help. I lay there for a while, unable to move, as tears slowly fall from my eyes. I just stare at the city, too far away to call for help even if I could yell. No one is going to come for me and I’m going to die. But then I do see a figure coming from the city—two of them! But it’s not David, it’s a boy with long brown hair that’s all in tight ringlets and very poofy. And the girl next to him has the same hair just in blonde. They kneel down beside me and are quietly muttering things to each other in the other language that I can’t understand (it wasn’t Korean, but I know is it wasn’t English) I knew I recognized him, but I also knew I’d never seen someone with such hair before. I looked up at the boys eyes. “L-Lucas?” His eyes flashed recognition, relief, and hurt all at once. He didn’t respond, but murmured something to the other girl. I couldn’t fight the weight anymore and slipped into unconsciousness.

AI generated interpretation This dream seems to be exploring themes of love, connection, and abandonment. The fact that all of your Korean boyfriends had different kissing styles may suggest that you are trying to find a connection with someone, but feel like you haven't quite found the right fit. David's aggressive kissing style may be symbolic of a desire to move forward quickly in a relationship, while the gentleness of Lucas' kisses may represent a longing for a more meaningful connection. The figure of Lucas appearing at the end of the dream could symbolize a new chance for a relationship that could be both passionate and meaningful. Ultimately, it seems like this dream is expressing a desire for a deeper connection with someone, and a hope that you can find it soon.