Familiar place

Date: 2/20/2019

By royallauren7

Dreamt I was with my family in a familiar place. Went to see an old film in an old vintage theater with my mother. I remember this distinctly. The chairs and walls were a deep dark red and there were old worn red curtains hanging over the walls. That night I snuck out to go see my ex and everything felt really strange. Like something was wrong with the whole community. I felt I was going there just to feel some kind of freedom. Like we both wanted to feel how we felt before but it wasn’t just about the relationship, it was about the way we had to live now. I remember the wallpaper having these tiny yellow flowers. His room was small and lit by a small bulb hanging from the corner in the ceiling. Similar to an old room I used to stay in at my grandparents. I was sitting on his bed with him and he looked very happy , telling me he loved me. I remember saying I wish we could be together and he didn’t respond to that lol