Date: 8/21/2019
By pinkstar16121
He wasn't the most attractive guy. He was kind of heavy set. I remember he wore blue. He just repeatedly would try to lead me to the bedroom, but I would turn him down as he led me, knowing I was not ready to have sex, not just with him, but at all. Well, actually I just didn't want to have sex with him anyway because I wasn't attracted to him. I also remember being in big, expansive library and wanting to find literature, but only finding academic books. I then remember seeing my old friend from high school and she was talking about how she was off and on with this guy who I believe she either dated briefly or just had a crush on in high school. I can't remember because it was so long ago. She said they would sometimes make out. When she said his name, she struggled to say his last name. It has a d as the first letter of the second syllable right after an s in the first syllable. She tried to say his name a couple times, and I knew who she was talking about and helped her finish her thought. The last part I remember that may have come before was I was in these dorm rooms.