You want ice cream? Then Perish

Date: 2/26/2021

By bluhamster123

Dreamed that my family wanted to get some ice cream on a hot summer day so we head out and as soon as we get out of the car it starts to get dark and stormy out so we try to hurry and order and leave. But as we are ordering at the window two enormous bolts of light night strike like 50 meters behind us out in a dry field. And instantly a small patch of the grass lights and a small ring of fire slowly creeps out from the strikes and spreads across the ground. Nothing super dangerous but it creeps out super far and even reaches us so we have to hop over the ring of fire when it hits the ice cream shop. We’re like shit that was close. We’re finishing ordering and my my step mom decides to wait for us out in the field bc she’s curious about the lightning. So I’m ordering and I turn around to find the little patch of fire suddenly has caught on my step mom and she’s ON FIRE and doesn’t notice of course so I’m like “DAWNIE YOURE ON FIRE!!?!?” And of course she’s like “WHAT DID YOU SAY I CANT HEAR U” and I’m like 😤😤😤😰😰😰. So I scream it it even louder and she looks down and she’s like ohhhhh... shit. And she’s like trying to pat it out but it’s like a lot of fire and I’m like “stop drop and rol!!?!!” And she’s not doin shit and I’m so frustrated I’m like,, so she wanna die or sth???? So I sprint all the way over to her and I’m like “TAKE YOUR FUCKING BURNING COAT OFF” and she’s like ???? So i literally do it myself and she finally is ok and only got a little burn on her hand. But I’m like,,, bruh