Date: 5/11/2020
By dar-bee
It started off with me going to menards or something to visit my friend who works there. her name is taylor. i came up to her and i said that i think i accidentally time traveled. i remember that i had a good reason as to why i time traveled but i can’t remember. so we were both freaking out and i said we should go to the high school and relive what it was like. (at this point i somehow knew how far i time traveled back, which was two years, so i knew we were juniors in high school in the time we were in) So we went to the high school and saw all of our old classmates and teachers and it was honestly kind of emotional because so many of them moved away. We walked by one of my old teachers classrooms and she called me out and said that i need to get back over there and get to class because i had her class that hour. other me walked by into the classroom and my teacher looked hella confused. there were cops in the classroom too and all of my classmates were also very confused. so the cops asked me who i was and i said my middle name instead of my real name. one cop told the other one to call child protective services, and they printed out a temporary ID for me and told me to stick around. i sneakily slipped out of the classroom and bolted. i did not want to get caught and get interrogated by the government. i waited outside for a while (it was dark outside and there was snow on the ground which was odd because it was august. i knew this because i knew it was the beginning of the school year.) Finally taylor came back outside and we saw a whole bunch of our old friends there and there was a dead goose on the sidewalk. we had a little funeral for it and kept saying “woop there it is”. i think thats when i woke up.