Centipedes at Christmas

Date: 12/1/2016

By goddess_epona

I was looking at a couple ornaments I had hanging in my window of my bedroom. A couple of them had weird things on the lowest part. They were baby centipedes. I freaked out, and, for what's reason, picked them up (carefully) with my bare hands, and was suddenly at this church. But they had a reception desk. It was my old bus driver who was sitting there. I dropped them on the desk, and was freaking out. "You've gotta help me. They have centipedes on them" I said, but they had managed to crawl back inside of the ornament. He responded, saying, "They'll be fine. They will die sooner or later" he had just finished the sentence, when this giant centipede climbed out of one of the four ornaments, and across the desk. This thing was massive. Probably 1.5 meters long at least. I flipped, and ran the other way, screaming. So did he. The centipede followed him at top speed, trying to attack. He ran out a door that hadn't previously been there, and out into a field. For whatever reason, there was now a different reception desk, and that's where I ran. The lady there asked me, "Where is he going?" All I could say was, "He'll be back. I hope" is what I said. She said ok, then I was somewhere else. My bus driver was in his car. But he was in the passenger seat. A big clear tub was in the drivers seat. It was filled 3/4 of the way with something. I assume water. Inside, there was the giant centipede. It was sitting still, and I assumed it was dead. But no. It began to thrash violently, and throw water everywhere. I screamed, and my bus driver freaked out. To get out of the car, he climbed over the tub, and went out the drivers side window, even though I had been holding the passenger door wide open. That's when I woke up. I'm still freaking out, and terrified. Those same ornaments that were home to centipedes hang in my window during the Christmas season...