The Cowboy and the Corpse

Date: 7/1/2018

By MissV

The matriarch of a big southern family dies. The large funeral is held around a big stage. Her two daughters (One of which looks like Jennifer Aniston I believe) dress in gorgeous white southern belle style dresses and perform a dance on stage around a “memorial cake” (🎂). The daughter steps in the cake and tries to play it off as part of the act by kicking it into the audience and dancing. Cowboy is on the run from her family because they believe he killed her. The daughter knows he didn’t, so she gets into a closed carriage and he gets on his horse and they start running away together (not romantically involved at all btw). As time goes by and the winter grows harsh, the cowboy and the daughter face danger from the family close on their trail as well as environmental conditions. The cowboy develops an acute case of frostbite in his toes and fingers. He loses a couple of each. Meanwhile the daughter has died due to the unforgiving temperatures. The cowboy knows this but continues to travel with the carriage until coming across a young man (probably 15) that lives outdoors in a little campsite he’s created. The boy has grown tired of trying to survive out in the wilderness with harsh conditions and predators. He has been planning to kill him self for a long time now, but before he hangs himself he wants to spend his last days helping the cowboy. He notices the cowboy’s frost bitten right foot and decides to make a new shoe for him that doesn’t have tears like his old one. I could hear the cowboy’s inner monologue as he spoke about Laine (the boy) and how he was the type of man that would put everything aside (like his plans for suicide) to carve a new shoe for someone in need. Laine asks about the daughter in the carriage (just to confirm if his suspicions that she’s dead are correct). The cowboy confirms her death and decides that perhaps it’s finally time to unhitch the carriage from the horse’s bridle. Laine agrees to keep the carriage at the campsite to serve as an above ground tomb and memorial to the daughter. Upon the decision, Laine hears the family approaching on their horses and warns the cowboy to leave the area immediately. After quickly packing his horse up with supplies given to him by Laine, the cowboy starts a trot into the woods. The family arrives at the campsite to find a noose hanging from a tree limb and a carriage that they do not realize belonged to the cowboy. The cowboy continues progressing through the woods with his horse until I wake up.