Moved to another planet

Date: 5/23/2021

By SammyDawn55

There was this big, round spaceship that us humans were going to use to try and come into contact with aliens. Me and my mom decided to get on it. We were going to move to another planet. The lady who was guiding us gave us all the information, but wasn’t actually coming for the journey. For some reason made it run nair onto our arms and legs in preparation. The spaceship took off and I didn’t think much was going to happen, but after a few days or however long, I’m not sure, it kind of just fast forwarded, we arrived on another planet. It had whole cities and an atmosphere we could breath and the people looked just like us. Some had different coloured skin, though, like blue or green. But they all looked human and a lot had normal human skin tones. We floated in the sky until we came to this giant building that was taller than all of the rest, and a lady let us in. She spoke English, but the language they all spoke was not English. She said she did business already with earth, and had a bunch of stuff from earth. She offered us all Reese’s cups. Then after a while of telling us about her planet, she showed us all to our rooms. The giant building was a hotel on the bottom, but the top was where she had her offices and did business. Me and my mom got a room together obviously, and she showed us where the vending machines were and the coffee station. I was really surprised that everything was so similar to earth, but the writing on all the signs was definitely not English or the same alphabet. And the food in the vending machines was different, too. Eventually we all got jobs and started living and working on this planet.