Digital art, A banana lady, an old teacher with a banana for a head, sits in a classroom full of shrunken down kids until she falls and cracks her head open, prompting one of the kids to call for emergency services.

banana lady

Date: 6/5/2023

By kceisbrenner

so me and a few other random people had been shrunk way down and we're tiny now for some reason. we were going through this really claustrophobic maze and we got to this classroom with a bunch of other random kids. i sat down in the back and there was this old lady in a banana peel but it wasn't a costume it was real. like it was part of her body, she was the banana. she was the teacher. she was like 80 years old and kept climbing up onto this chair. we told her not to but she kept saying it was fine and then the chair tipped and she cracked her head on the ground. she was on the ground moaning at first but then she went unresponsive. i went over to assess and palpated the peel around her face. one part was really squishy so i peeled it back and it was like human meat underneath, like no actual banana just her head but it was huge and bald. there was a big flap of skin and it was full of blood so i said she had to go to the ER. i went to call 911 but i didn't know how they were gonna find us bc we were all shrunk down and went through the maze thing so i asked another kid to call someone else in the school to guide them down. i went to this weird outside area and called but the operator ws really hard to hear and wasn't really responding so i just kinda said everything and hung up. when i went back to the room the lady was sitting there perfectly fine and not wearing a banana peel. she was in normal clothes and i realized she kinda looked like betty cooney. anyway she and another teacher said that EMS had found them and everything was all good. i didn't really get how she was miraculously completely fine but that didn't matter bc the dream changed. now i was poking around in some shed thing? i was looking for these patterned garden bricks but i don't remember why. there were some in a blue plastic bag inside. i heard something move so i looked inside and the bag had moved. there was something with a pointy nose inside the bag. i started to back away and then the animal got its face out and it was a GIANT opossum. it immediately jumped at me , bit my arm and held on. i felt the pain which is weird bc i don't usually feel anything in my dreams. it latched on and wouldn't let go,, i was shaking it around and finally dislodged it and it went flying. it landed and started to come as free me again and i was thinking about how opossums almost never carry rabies but this one was chasing me and this other girl that had wandered over to help. i told her to run and we started running together. eventually i think we started flying and the thing chasing us was another girl now. it went in for a long time but we finally decided to hide in a giant portrait of our high school class. we flew into the portrait but once we were inside it was like standing under a waterfall? the water (which actually had the consistency of bubble fluid?) was rushing down past us but i couldn't feel anything, it was just a visual thing. the other kids in the portrait were in there too just posing and smiling. at first we got like washed down the fall past a bunch of kids trying to blend in but we ended up at the bottom right in front of the girl chasing us. we just stood still and smiled hoping she wouldn't recognize us. she looked right at the other girl who was now directly in front of her and said something about how she had nothing to worry about bc she's pretty? and then walked away. we were in the clear but the dream ended.