locked up with people i don't know.

Date: 12/30/2016

By PandaDreamer7

I had a dream where me and some kids got put in a detention center or something like that. N we were put in a pretty net living space but there was nowhere super private. We could only go in our rooms to sleep and they were always watching us. N every girl there including me had a huge crush on this tall guy... it never showed his face but ik he was tall ha. Anyway all of us were decorating this river (that was oddly inside) and there was a mud slide. Every single girl screamed cuz the cute guy everyone liked was right in its path... but i pushed him out of the way or i grabbed in a hug and pushed. Then we were standing in this corner romantically hugging by a picnik table and it felt very comforting. Then he got horney.. n well that made me horney... n we kissed but when we kissed it didnt feel real at all. It was terrible. But i felt his dick... but then everyone sat down at the table by us so we awkwardly did. N this one girl was like sayin some retarded shit tryna make me not hook up with this guy cuz she liked him and she did. But i wasnt listening. N i looked at her and blankly said."your full of shit" and everyone laughed. I smirked then the guy said to meet him somewhere we could be alone. N i went but he didnt show then we had some group shit n he sat on a couch and i cuddled up next to him. Then we started playing a game and idk what the first question was but the second question was is "cute guy" dating material. N it listed good qualeties and weather or not he had them and he had none... except the ability to love. N that was good enough for me and everyone was telli me hes not worth it but i didnt care. N i was blushing lol. N woke up.