I was attaked in real life and now it haunts me

Date: 12/28/2016

By lezzyLAD

A few weeks ago my 300ib black uncle, max attacked my cousin and I in the bathroom where we were hiding, from him - this part is real it was not a dream. The dream part happened last night when I was living with my gram in a one bedroom apartment with elevators and stairs on the left and right side and all lead directly into our apartment , then a bunch (12-24) 300ib black guys showed up in black Cadillacs with drums guns and lots of weapons. They march up the stairs in two file lines singing "who-a-way-a-way-a-way *drum, drum* I'm scared at this point and realize they are going up the stairs only, my grandmother and I grab our shoes my phone and a box of Twinkies (which I think are absolutely disgusting) we run into the elevator hit floor level and stop the elevator between floors and hit the emergency call button, I loose the dream but never woke up.