Coffee and Bullets

Date: 11/12/2016

By your-arms-are-my-chrysalis

**NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED FOR THE SAKE OF ANONYMITY It was raining. The water tapped against the earth like billions of tiny drumsticks playing a ballad to the city of Chicago. I was downtown with a somewhat large group of friends; around five. As the concert began we immediately began to seek shelter. He was with us, fretting over his hair being tarnished by the rain. He always does look cuter with it pulled back. My close friend, Tracy, pointed her perfectly-groomed fingernail in the direction of a cozy coffee shop on the street corner. The five of us agreed it was a perfect time for a meal. We sat at a round, glossy wooden table in the center of the shop. The warm orange glow of the mood lights were like a luminous blanket in contrast with the greys and blues of the rainy city outside. It's like we were in a bubble of pure comfort as we sipped hot drinks and spoke of nonsensical things. But that bubble was soon popped as a bullet came crashing in. All sense of security was shattered as we took to the floor. We crowded under the table as a swarm of bullets poured in through the broken windows. The sound of the rain grew louder as the gunshots took the place of thunder and the bullets struck like lightning. I heard him wince and instantly shot my gaze at him. He'd been shot. The fire stopped but the rain continued. The sound of cars skidding off was audible but distant. I rushed to his aid as quickly as my legs would allow. I panicked and frantically demanded George call a hospital. I held him as he shook and I pleaded him to stay awake. The ambulance pulled up in moments. I volunteered to go with him to the hospital. I pounded on the chest of the paramedic as he politely tried to tell me no. Before I could get another protest out of my mouth I heard one last crash as a small, metal ticket to the hospital bore itself into my side. I woke up to the glare of his round glasses on the hospital nightstand. I had them in my pocket and they must have assumed they were mine. I glanced around the hospital room. It was suspiciously cozy for a hospital room, with warm beige walls. Orange flowers peaked over the side of a white vase. I held the floral sheets closer and recognized I was alone. When I tried to sit up, I screamed as the entire left side of my body seemed to light on fire. A nurse with soft brown eyes came rushing in. She instructed me kindly not to try and sit up. I began asking her about him immediately. She told me he was in a similar state. For some reason that devastated me. I asked her what room he was in, but she refused to answer me. The second I heard her fade from earshot I began a dreadful attempt to roll over. I succeeded in this and wrapped my cold fingers around the glasses. Using all of my will not to scream again, I placed my bare foot on the icy floor, and began lowering my weight onto it. I bit my tongue as I limped aimlessly around the empty halls. It was the dead of night, and I could hear curses of people on the rooms I passed as I must have woken them up with my shriek. I reached the desk and found a clipboard that displayed his room number clearly. I slid into a nearby room of an unsuspecting patient and snagged one of her crutches. You snooze you loose I guess. I found his room easily. His breaths were heavy and slow. He was asleep. It was precious and peaceful and what I wouldn't give to be at his side. However, watching him sleep was incredibly creepy and if I had been caught I would be up to way too many explanations. Hence, I gently tapped his cheek to wake him. His eyelids opened like windows, revealing the beautiful blue sky behind them. He squinted as he tried to see me, "Hello?" He croaked out. "It's me." I answered. His chapped lips cracked open into a smile and broke open into laughter. "This is so dumb." He stated bluntly. "Yeah." I agreed and slipped his glasses in their proper place, "How do you feel?" "Like shit." "Same." "Tired?" "Yeah." "How'd you get here?" "Walked." "Shit, how?" "Painfully." I said, struggling to lean on the crutch. "Well you shouldn't have to walk back." He patted the bed next to him, and I bit my lip. "What will they think tomorrow?" "Whatever they want." And that was that. I curled up next to him and made a bold attempt to wrap my arm around him. He accepted this gesture gratefully and returned my affection twofold with a kiss on the forehead.