Date: 10/14/2018
By nexus
I went downstairs to the couch and lied down, used the new heat vibration technique and was on my way after about two attempts, I kept moving physically since i didnt give my body enough time to fall asleep. Eventually i noticed i tried getting up but i couldn't and just as i was about to strain myself to move i realized its because I already had my consciousness in the astral body and the second i knew that i laughed and drifted away from my body effortlessly like taking off a coat. I was so astonished about how smooth the transition was i didnt pay attention to where i was going but i found myself sticking to the side of a building... I look up and its the citigroup building and so i guessed i must've had the quick switch thing happen to me. I walk down the side of the building and it was weird since the side if the building felt like level ground and the actual ground looked to me like it was sideways but anyways my walk turns into a run and i jump off the citigroup building, fly down and then swoop up at about a 200 miles an hour, and that momentum catapulted to harlem, i felt so light and weightless, i landed on the side of the building, almost fell and when i looked down i got really frightened since it felt so real i thought i could fall and die (i know how ironic that a kid astral projecting is afraid of heights) but i got upset with myself and thought i could train myself to not be afraid by jumping off the 5 story building head first. i hit the ground and felt the force and impact but no pain and it was so exciting i jumped back onto the building and i leaped across a lot of buildings like a frog on a lily pad, i circled back around central park and decided to run so fast my arms and legs were no longer visible and i cleared the park in about 5 seconds, i start doing flips and jumping effortlessly through hard to fit places and im just having the greatest time in the world, i realised i was out for a while and decided to head on back