beach battlefront

Date: 5/16/2018

By alyssa:)

it started as an entrance from what seemed like a completely different setting. so i jumped in this dream running, but roller blading. there were soldiers on roller blades all around me in a castle sort of setting. i was in a war on a beach battle front. there were no women as i remember, even i was a man (which i am a woman). and everyone's faces were hidden, by nothing though, and not blurred out. as if i've never seen the faces in real life, so my dream would not allow me to see them. when i entered the war, it had already begun. but the weaponry used were no guns. almost like a completely ancient war. we used swords and daggers. but they were disguised. each weapon was not stored, but picked up on the way into any battle. they were any ordinary objects hidden in plain sight, but when held, they change back into their original weapon form. this way, everything was uncertain. but some objects were exactly how they appeared. after using a weapon so much, it disappears into thin air and you are left with nothing but the need for another one. in a one on one battle with a man, my weapon's usage expired and disappeared. i dodged his next strike under his arm and ran a few yards. he threw his dagger at me and it hit a limb on my body. i am not sure where though, i just know i was somewhat injured. then, as i got up to start invalid-like walking, i turned around to see him picking up an object. i knew i was in trouble, so i turned around and ran into the ocean and started to swim away. as soon as i started to swim in the ocean, everything started to happen so quickly. i began to feel it. this was in first person point of view, and i could see and feel the water being immensely pulled backwards by the man. it wasn't the weapon that did this, either. the water spat me back on on the sand and i was instantly killed from the man striking me with his new dagger. and as soon as i died i woke up