Date: 5/21/2023
By drmr
I was trying to lock the door to a dark chasm of things, the lock was like on the art barn. I couldn't line it up. There were things in there alive n som was scared those things would come out and get me or us We went into some stadium The stadium was surrounded by idiots, the type who are like wwf fans cheering I went into a secret chamber underneath. The idiots had formed some kind of society where they were going to go perform a sacrifice They asked about my oath and I said very confidently that I had taken no oath. They started to drag me out but I fought them off One of the girls was associated with my oldest son and he didn't want to die and one was with som's son and his son did want her to die. But once it became real he started to take it back and try to get out. I rushed to try to save her and heard another woman stabbing a girl. I heard the blood pouring and someone was collecting it. I tried to put her torso back together and carry her out. I'm not sure if it was too late. I woke up.