Must Save Seth

Date: 6/25/2019

By fegenlionel

The dream started with me and my brother Paul playing Skyrim. Then the TV changed channel by itself and there was a news report that my other brother Seth had been captured by his ex girlfriend and was to be publicly executed. So Paul and I got into his car and drove to the scene. Paul pulled a two handed great axe from a secret compartment he had made in his bonnet, and I reached my arm out and summoned Mjölnir(Hammer of Thor) and we went to battle with these heavy armoured 7 foot guards with great shields and halberds, Seth's ex was just about to pull the trigger to shoot him, Mjölnir wasn't with me because it was stuck in the skull of one of the guards, but then I grabbed Paul's great axe and threw it at her, cutting the gun(and her finger) off at the trigger. Then jumped onto the platform, got behind her and summoned Mjölnir, which(to say this nicely) did not at all like her face. We then untied Seth and went home to play Dark Souls.