Ricky Gervais' Broken Elevator

Date: 8/19/2022

By Swords

I am waiting for the elevator in a nice, conference hotel, my assigned mattress and bag on a hotel trolly, people partying all around me like students in residence except much older. Ricky Gervais is the bell hop. The elevator doesn't come. I am watching all the doors. I can't carry the mattress up the stairs. After 15 min, I ask Ricky wtf. Nicely. At first. But he's running around his desk moving papers, ignoring me. There are four elevators and only one has an "Out of Order" sign. I ask a little more aggressively about the elevators. There are a few people waiting now and "It's been 30 min!" Ricky raises he head from the desk and scurries around a corner to a smaller, service elevator, and pushes the button. When it arrives, he fills it with clothes racks and boxes and sends it down to the sports store in the basement. This time, I completely Karen on the dude. I mean, he's a distant friend but "Buddy, do your job already!" He is hurt but remains professional, but still no elevator arrives. I wait until Ricky goes around to the other side again, open the door to the broken elevator, and push my stuff on it. Broken is right. Parts and bare wires are hanging from the ceiling and walls. I press the 6th floor and it creaks and wobbles but slowly moves down. I am afraid but try to be optimistic. The elevator stops half way between 5 and 6, but there is a rope I can pull to level it off at 6. I'm off the elevator and finding my room. Everyone is going on a tour of old Quebec City. We have to take our shoes off to get on the train. I am sitting beside Ricky - he is part of my group. I'm embarrassed about the elevator comments. We get off the train and I forgot to get my shoes, so now I must walk the dusty cobblestone roads in my socked feet. I can tell Ricky is quietly snickering at me. Fuck Head.