Date: 7/5/2019
By GermanC
My dream starts off vividly in July 8, 2018. I had bought my first mansion up in the mountains. In comparison to my neighbors, it was located at a much higher height. Consequently that same night, a young ten year old toddler, who happened to be Latina, had snuck up into my living room through the window. In a confused state of mind, I instructed her to immediately leave my house. Thus, forced her out the same way she had came in. The next night, the same Latina toddler appeared. But this time, I saw her outside of my house hanging by the window, which happened to be closed and locked. Having a window on the corner of my living room seemed like a total nightmare. Why was the girl coming back? What did she want from me? How did she get up here? Those were the three questions I kept asking myself. Like the night before, I forced her to leave my premises, but this time, I decided to open the window and cuss the shit out of her while she was hanging by my window. At exactly 2:30 am I watched her leave through the mountains with her head down. Furthermore, this made me feel awfully guilty. I yelled at her from a distance. Discúlpame! Mis papás están muy enfurecidos conmigo! (My apologies! My parents are very angry at me!). As soon as she turned around in order to respond to me, we both see two grey colored, human sized, bigheaded, big black shiny soulless eyes, extra terrestrial beings point at her from the bottom left corner of my house. I froze. I was confused and terrified. Next thing you know, I see both extraterrestrial beings chase this toddler around the mountains. The ten year old toddler with short legs had amazing speed for her size. As a result from not being able to catch her quick, two more beings came to help and were able to catch this toddler. As soon as they all made contact with the girl they disappeared into thin air. After this bizarre night, I never encountered any beings or the toddler ever again.